Bisleri Bangladesh

We been around for 43 years. The idea of selling mineral water in India was introduced by Mr. Felice Bisleri, which was then bought over by Jayantilal Mohanlal Chauhan in 1965, and the rest is history. From then to now, we have maintained and preserved water in its purest form, setting the benchmark for bottled water in India through our innovation, quality control, our love for the environment and of course you. We believe that every person should have access to affordable and purified drinking water as well as support eco-friendly initiatives that rejuvenate our natural sources of drinking water. We call this the ‘The Aqua Green Revolution.’ From producing our own bottles to using the latest state of the art machineries, we’re been able to provide you with water free from impurities, reduce wastage in raw materials and provide you with a product you can trust. So when you ask for a bottle of Bisleri you can be assured it’s the sweet taste of purity.

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