BGB Hospital

History of Border Guard Hosp Satkania. Brief History of this Hosp are as under: 1. Border Guard Hospital Dhaka is located at BGB HQ Peelkhana, Dhaka and was the only specialized hospital of its kind where Border Guard personnel and their families are provided with specialized treatment facilities. As most of the BGB pers are deployed along the border area, it was decided to estb another 04 specialized hospitals at various locations away from Dhaka at Satkania, Thakurgaon. Chuadanga and Khagrachari to provide specialized medical support to BGB pers close to their duty station. 2. With this aim, the concept for estb of 50 bedded BGB Hosp Satkania came into reality. The Project implementation period of Border Guard Hospital Satkania was from 01-7-2006 to 30-6-2010, but actual construction of Border Guard Hospital Satkania was started on 1 May 2007.

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