Bellavita Pizzeria

"Bellavita" a name of upcoming brand to win the hearts of food fans- specially for Pizza.So far it has established it's fame in Bashundhara, Baridhara, DOSH,Kuril,Nadda and near about these area. Bellavita has taken new challenge to it's honorable food fans adding "Free home delivery" service.Here we are ready to give you the taste of almost all kind of special Italian Pizza along with other delicious fast food item. We named it "Restaurant" but you may named it as "Pizza Station". WE are committed to serve 100% Halal food.The taste of our food made us special and totally different from others .You all are heartiest Welcome to judge our commitment and assign us to step ahead.As of now we are at Bashundhara R/A but we wish to spread our wings rapidly thus all the food fans in Dhaka may get us close to them.

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