Beijing Kitchen

Beijing Kitchen is an upscale restaurant in Dhanmondi Dhaka. Here at Beijing Kitchen we’re passionate about serving our guests great food and our commitment to quality. We are proud of our authentic Thai section that is created without the use of any artificial coloring/ingredients. We have our own organic garden to grow the exotic Thai herbs that give our food its magic. Our impressive team consists of talented and seasoned chefs with international experience who aim to provide you with a memorable dining experience. We can confidently reassure our customers that we maintain a superior standard of health and hygiene in our restaurant kitchen. To us, the meal is a celebration. If this is your first experience in a Thai & Malaysian Restaurant, we recommend one of our mouthwatering appetizers, refreshing soups and scrumptious entrees that we have especially selected for you in our menu. This will give you a good sampling of the different types of Thai & Malaysian dishes. In addition to our popular Thai & Malaysian menu, we also offer a complete Chinese menu which means there is something delicious for everyone in your family or office. It's now more convenient than ever to bring the wonderful taste of Thailand and Malaysia home to your family. Our Mission: • FRESH IS IN OUR FOOD • FRESH IS IN OUR DEDICATION • FRESH IS IN OUR KNOWLEDGE • FRESH IS IN OUR COMMITMENT

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