a concern of Papeellion Holidays is a new venture in the tourism industry of Bangladesh, introducing the tourism of Bangladesh to the world. Papeellion Holidays since its inception in 2006 has been serving to the tourism industry of Bangladesh with its excellence. It holds the largest portion of market in the tourism industry of Bangladesh as a B2B accommodation supplier for outbound. At present most of the travel agents of Bangladesh are using its online reservation system to book hotels worldwide. Papeellion is a brand not only for its low rates for the hotels but also for the elegance of their service quality towards the consumers and most importantly with a collection of 200000+ hotels around the world prov iding instant confirmation Papeellion Holidays is unbeatable when it comes to availability. The inbound section as comes with the same commitment towards service with a collection of over 200 hotels and growing. Having clear detailed inventory is so far the largest web portal for online reservation of hotels of Bangladesh and we plan to add 1000 hotels in a year. We negotiate directly with the properties to ensure the lowest possible rate for our clients and we use the latest technology to deliver these bargains to the consumers. Our “Online Booking Manager” is the latest of its kind. Only we use this software so far in Bangladesh. It is from Romania. It’s a next generation online hotel portal where domestic as well as global tourists can confirm their hotel reservation by paying with local or global credit cards with instant confirmation. Our secured online transaction is verified and we also have other options like bank account payment, bKash and you can also visit our office and pay.

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