bbq Bangladesh

Originated in Korea in September 1995, BBQ Chicken has over 4,000 outlets in 60 countries around the world,including US, China and Latin America. It promotes brand recognition of the organization as a global franchise brand and stands tall with around 1,860 outlets in Korea alone. BBQ Chicken was declared the No.1 Chicken brand in Korea when its 1,000th outlet was launched in October 1999. BBQ Chicken was the first F&B franchise brand to be selected as Korea’s top 100 Brands .Our goal is to reach 50,000 stores Worldwide within year 2020 and to be the largest global franchise brand in the World. We care for our customers and their well-being by using only 100% Olive Oil. Our customers are treated with the inimitable BBQ’s taste and not compromising on the value of healthy-eating. The needs of consumers are always evolving. Consumers around the world are more conscious about their health and eating habits. BBQ Chicken leads the industry by being the first to use 100% Olive Oil to fry chicken. 100% Olive Oil not only enhances the taste of food, it has proven health benefits as well. * Takes Reservations, Walk-Ins Welcome, Good For Groups, Take Out, Delivery, Waiter Service and Outdoor Seating * Lunch, Dinner, Coffee and Drinks * Visa, American Express, Mastercard and Cash

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