Baton Rouge Banquet Hall

Baton Rouge Banquet Hall is now open in Banani The Baton Rouge group always has something exclusive in store for their clients and customers, be it a stylish hotel, fine dining & fast food restaurants or a comprehensive gourmet shop in Banani or a classic buffet restaurant in Gulshan, the group has added one more name to its chain of successful concerns. Baton Rouge Banquet Hall was launched at the beginning of June, 2014, in Banani, road 10, next to the Innotel Business Boutique Hotel. The hall is designed to fit every kind of get-together and with a capacity of 201 persons and a variety of delicious menus to choose from, it makes the perfect venue to host both formal and casual meetings, seminars and parties. Visit the Baton Rouge Banquet Hall to host your parties with special menus, impeccable service and a warm atmosphere. Call now to book this fantastic venue and make your event a memorable one. Guest Facitilies: >>> 201 Person's capacity at Baton Rouge Banquet Hall >>> Weeding / Birth Day Party / Reception & all kind of get together. >>> 151 Person's Meeting / Conference/ WorkShop >>> 201 Person's Standing lunch or Dinner party >>> Audio & Visual equipment For reservation call: +8801841110991

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