Baton Rouge

The Court offers an exciting and delightful chain of Hotel, Restaurants and Gourmet shop to meet your every requirement. For those looking for a modern, yet comfortable accommodation in the heart of Dhaka city, we are pleased to introduce Innotel Baton Rouge, a business boutique hotel located in the Banani area, just 06 kilometers drive from the international airport. The hotel is equipped with all modern facilities and a team ready to welcome you with warm hospitality and unique service. For an authentic dine out you can visit restaurant ROK, where you will experience and get to taste the modern stone age cooking, first time in Bangladesh, or for variety you can opt for the lunch buffet consisting of over 30 mouth-watering items to chose from. The Baton Rouge restaurant located in Gulshan provides a seating capacity of approx. 450 persons in an area ranging about 10,500sq.ft. The restaurant offers both local and international cuisine in a unique blend of style, class and sophistication. For those opting for fast food, you can try out at the Sub factory, where every sandwich is stuffed to perfection or grab a quick bite at W.F.C where you will be able to choose from an enriched menu which includes all fast food items. Rouge ou Blanc, the latest name in the chain is a brand new Restaurant and Lounge providing meals that will surely tickle your taste-buds, while you lay back and enjoy top quality food. Lastly we proudly welcome you to White Hen Gourmet, the first comprehensive meat shop in town.For all your parties and events be sure to explore the finest meat cuts ranging from chicken, lamb, mutton and all sorts of cooking cold meats and smoked meat products for sandwiches and salads. There is also a 24 hrs open Pastry & Bakery section where you will find a wide range of cakes and pastries to choose from for all occasions and parties. Halal hygiene and top notch service are our top priority. LUNCH 625 + TAX, DINNER 1018 including TAX

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