Bata (Savar Showroom)

The Bata Shoe Organization was founded in 1894 by Czech businessman Tomas Bata in the city of Zlin, what was then Czechoslovakia. Coming from a family of shoemakers with a long heritage of eight generations and over three hundred years, Tomas Bata capitalized on knowledge, expertise and skills to propel his newly founded company forward. The introduction of factory automation, long distance retailing and modernized shoe making ensured the profitability of the company from the very beginning. It is now the world’s largest manufacturer and marketer of footwear operating across the globe. Since its founding, Bata has been at the forefront of innovation; not only in the production and design of new styles, but in the creation of business models that permit a quick response to the ever-changing wants and needs of our customers. As a result, Bata enjoys a long history as a leading manufacturer and retailer of quality footwear, and proudly serves some one million customers each day. Today the Bata Shoe Organization is a sprawling geo-centric company encompassing operations in more than 70 countries around the world. It serves over 1 million customers per day, employs more than 30,000 people, operates more than 5,000 international retail outlets, manages retail presence in over 70 countries and runs 27 production facilities across 20 countries. Bata’s reach is worldwide; its presence is local. Our novel international manufacturing structure allows Bata facilities around the globe to respond to the unique needs and wants of local customers. As a result, Bata is honored to be a local company in every country it serves. Bata continues to be guided by the same core principle it has followed for over one hundred years: to know its customers and to create the best possible products to meet their needs. In Bangladesh, Bata started its operation in 1962. Currently Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Limited operates two manufacturing facilities – one in Tongi and the other in Dhamrai. With a production capacity of 160,000 pairs of shoes daily. Annual shoe sales currently stands about 30 million pairs. Fashion would never be complete without a well designed pair of shoes. This marketing insight has prompted Bata to introduce a number of designers’ collections for men, women and children. Internationally renowned brands such as Bata Comfit, Marie Claire, Hush Puppies, Scholl, Nike, Skechers, Power, North Star, Bubblegummers, Ben10, Sandak, Weinbrenner and B.first are a few names that testify to the momentous change towards branded shoe marketing in Bangladesh. Specialized shoe categories such as athletic shoes have been targeted through development of the Power brand. Uncompromising quality with striking designs have put Bata shoes in a key position to appeal to different segments of consumers. Another major change in the Bata business policy is the segmentation of retail outlets according to profiles of different market segments and the introduction of novel concepts such as Bata City Stores. These selective outlets, in conjunction with other types of outlets such as Bata Family Stores, are adding a new level of consumer satisfaction. The City Stores incorporate spacious floor space allowing a comfortable shopping experience, modern interior décor enriched with novel shelving systems, fittings, fixtures and lighting that can be found in the large retail shops in the Far East and Europe. Bata has a network of 261 retail outlets located strategically in different parts of the country. These retail outlets are an integral part of our brand marketing. Bata Bangladesh has an exclusive store at Bashundhara City Mall which is now the World’s Largest Bata Store. This extensive retail network is supplemented by an equally extensive network of depots and dealers. Bata has 13 Wholesale depots covering Bangladesh. Under these depots 471 RWD (Registered Wholesale Dealers) and 690 DSP (Dealer Support Program) stores are operating. For over 13 decades, Bata has been on the leading edge of footwear design. Today, professionals in Bata’s Shoe Innovation Centers around the world continue the tradition of innovation as they dedicate themselves to discovering new shoe materials, developing modern shoe technologies, and creating fresh footwear that marries style with comfort. Since its inception, Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Ltd. has strived towards one goal – customer satisfaction. With the vision of building a worldwide family of satisfied customers and dedicated workers the legacy of Tomas Bata continues strong and unabated to this day – the tradition is safe.

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