Barista Lavazza (Kawran Bazar)

Established in 2009, Barista Lavazza Bangladesh is noted as a pioneer of Indian café culture in Bangladesh which delivers a truly Italian coffee experience in warm, friendly and relaxed environment. It aims to provide a comfortable place for people to unwind over interesting conversations and a cup of coffee. Barista Lavazza Bangladesh consist of young adults, who are exposed to global lifestyles and appreciate the authentic flavours and tastes of coffee. Currently there are 4 Barista Lavazza Cafe in Dhaka city and many more Kiosks are coming very soon. Besides Bangladesh, Barista Lavazza also has several cafes in locations across India, Sri Lanka, Oman and the UAE. Barista is owned by Lavazza, Italy's largest coffee company. Lavazza, the sixth largest coffee roaster in the world, has a 46.5% share in the Italian retail market and operates in over 80 countries.

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