Banglar Mela (Uttara)

Banglar Mela started its operation from May 2001 add within this time it has achieved the position of one of best-branded doth showroom of handloom in the town. The concept of Banglar Mela was to prove that, it is possible to create panoramic designs of cloths by using local and traditional fabrics. And to promote them in the market with a reasonable price. And till now, they execute their operation according to their philosophy. Their first showroom was established in Banani and 2 nd in Mirpur. Now Banglar Mela store at other place of Dhaka Uttara, Dhanmondi, Malibagh and recently added Deshidosh at Bashundhara City Phanthopath. Apart from their business activity, a very appreciable thing about Banglar Mela is with their occupation they have also maintain their social responsibility and awareness as a human and as worthly citizens of the country. And they proved it by their remarkably done social activities. Such as from the very beginning, in their organization they have involved mentally retarded individuals and have given them the opportunity to work and to earn like every normal human being. And has also helped them to change their view of life and also the idea towards these mentally retarded people who are unfortunately thought of no use in the society. Chief Designer of Banglar Mela Emdad Hoque said Banglar Mela not just a store, Banglar Mela represents the culture socio environment thru our line-up.

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