Bangladesh Merchant Banker Association

BMBA is an association of the Merchant Bankers operating in Bangladesh. It started its journey sometime in 1997 with the formation an executive committee with Prof. Dr. Mohammad Musa as the first convener of the association. At that time only about 15 institutions were operating as merchant banks without even license from any authority to operate as such. The main functions these institutions had been performing primarily included (i) underwriting IPOs and (ii) managing new issues. Not that many new issues were coming to the market and the size of IPOs was very small. Therefore, these institutions by and large had been struggling to remain afloat. The merchant banking industry was at that time in its infancy. The industry participants were searching for proper direction. The first thing they needed was obtain license from the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (formerly SEC) to legally operate as merchant banks. The BSEC was in the stage of formulating guidelines under which the licenses would be issued to companies allowing them to operate as merchant banks. The BSEC had also been working hard to reformulate issue management rules, underwriting rules and the right share issue rules.

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