Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board

Alia Madrasah was established in 1780 by British government and formed Madrasah education Board of Bengal. Madrasah Education was then started formally. Consequently Madrasah Education was reformed. Especially late Fazlul Haq the prime minister declared in a prize giving ceremony is Kolkata Alia Madrasah in 1939, “I want the spread of Madrasah Education should be modernized and an Arabic University should be established”. To materialize this declaration of share-E-Bangla a committee named Moula Box was formed. This committee, along with the advice of establishing a University for Madrasah students, advises in the following way for the entire development of Madrasah Education. In 1947 after having the independence of Pakistan many commissions was formed for the development of Madrasah Education. Among them in 1949 “West Bengal Educational System Reconstruction Committee” and in 1963-64 the name of Arabic University are especially mentionable.

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