Bangladesh Fisharies Development Corporation

Established in 1964 as East Pakistan Fisheries Development Corporation through an ordinance and later on repealed and replaced by an Act of 1973, Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation (BFDC) is a public sector organisation under the Ministry of Fisheries & Livestock of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. Since then the corporation remained fully dedicated to the development of fisheries in Bangladesh specially in the field of marine fisheries. After establishment of BFDC in 1964, the country crossed the threshold of new era in the field of fisheries development in so far as the number of commercial fishing trawlers increased from zero to 87, that of mechanised fishing boats from few dozens to about 22000, number Fish Processing Industries from 5 to 129 and the overall increase in marine fish catch from 90,000 metric tons in 1974-75 to 4,32,000 metric tons in 2002-2003. Moreover Infrastructure development and scientific exploitation of Kaptai Lake resources in Rangamati are also being accomplished by BFDC through improved management.

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