Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC

Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC), fully owned by the Government, was established in July, 1976 by a presidential Order. The Corporation is now managing 13 large and medium size industrial enterprises engaged in producing a wide range of products like Urea, TSP, DAP, Paper, Cement, Glass sheet, Hardboard, Sanitary ware & Insulator etc. Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC) housed in its own 20 storied building at 30-31, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka is one of the largest conglomerates of the country, fully owned by the Govt. came into being on 1st July 1976 through merger of three erstwhile corporations viz Bangladesh Fertilizer, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Corporation (BFCPC), Bangladesh Paper and Board Corporation (BPBC) and Bangladesh Tanneries Corporation (BTC). Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation is entrusted with the task of supervision, co-ordination & control of the enterprises under its management & for developing new industries in the Chemical & allied Sector.

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