Bangla Phone Limited

Bangla Phone Limited (BPL) is a licensed telecommunications company operating in the country since 2004. It has built one of the largest nationwide fiber optic transmission networks in Bangladesh, spanning over 15,500 kilometers. Besides state-owned Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited, it is the only company to be directly linked with the submarine cable landing station in Cox’s Bazaar under an agreement with Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Limited. As a transmission network service provider, BPL provides a robust, dependable and scalable nationwide fiber optic transmission network with adequate built-in redundancy up to the service end. Sufficient redundancies using ring topology have been built-in to make the network highly reliable. BPL is presently providing long-haul, mid-haul, front-haul, and back-haul transmission network services. It is also providing Dedicated Private Lease Line, Ethernet Services, Dedicated Internet Access and Voice Communication services. BPL also offers complete Managed Services customized to meet the needs of enterprises. BPL believes in providing reliable and cost-effective transmission network and other connectivity solutions tailored to the needs of its valued customers. It is also committed to provide quality service at all times.

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