Bangabandhu International Conference Center

The country’s only multi-purpose convention facility, Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC), has 17 (seventeen) venues for holding small to large scale events, state functions, social events, seminars, conferences, product launches, annual general meetings, fairs, exhibitions, cultural programs, reality shows, etc. BICC has been the venue for many renowned economic, social and cultural events. It has proudly hosted a number of international conferences and summits over the years. This modern convention center is surrounded by a spacious parking area, lawn, garden and musical fountain. The elevated roof and massive structure makes any event grand at its premises. As of 1 July 2012, Bangladesh Services Limited (BSL); owner of Ruposhi Bangla Hotel is looking after the operation, maintenance and management of BICC. BSL has a rich heritage of reputed service in hospitality industry of Bangladesh. Corporate Office: 1, Minto Road. Ruposhi Bangla Hotel, Dhaka - 1000.

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