Bag Packer's

Imagine a place where you can find all of your luggage and bags "must-have" at prices you can’t believe. Where everything has great style and quality and the shopping experience is actually fun, not a chore. That place is BAG PACKER’S, making current fashion essentials accessible for every family. As one of the largest luggage and bags retailer brand in Dhaka, we offer customers fabulous and trendy fashion online as well as in our three stores. BAG PACKER’S introduces its e-commerce site which is your one stop online site for all your luggage and bags needs. Launched on 14th February 2010, BAG PAKER’S is a luggage and bags retail store that inspires customers with a fashionable and unique mix of products, brands and price points. BAG PACKER’S is a multi-branded luggage and bags retailer with a compelling and unique point-of-view. BAG PACKER’S offers a curated mix of on-trend, irresistible pieces that celebrate each customer’s personal sense of style with an intimate, individualized approach at three stores located in Zakir Hossain Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka. The assortment focuses on the most exciting fashion trends of luggage and bags. BAG PACKER’S promise is to be “Carrying Everything Everyday.” It reflects how you live, how you choose to navigate your life, and how you show up. We are focused on doing more to make a difference on topics that are important to both our customers and to us: service, respect, quality and equality. Showroom- 1 B-42, Block- E, Zakir Hossain Road, Mohammadpur. Dhaka- 1207 Cell No : 01944 355 343 (Ladies Bag Section) Showroom- 2 B-24, Block- E, Zakir Hossain Road, Mohammadpur. Dhaka- 1207 Cell No : 01913 471 083 (Gents Bag & Luggage Section) Showroom- 3 G- 1, Block- E, Zakir Hossain Road, Mohammadpur. Dhaka- 1207 Cell No : 01964 603 630 (Ornaments & Cosmetics Section)

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