Assurance Developments Limited

With a vision to cater the commercial & residential housing needs of the country, Gaus U Khan established ASSURANCE Developments Ltd. in 2003. The company successfully completed a number of exclusive projects in different prime locations of the city. With the unification of quality, commitment, excellent customer service and ethical business practice, the Company, within a very short time, became one of the leading Real Estate companies of the country and also earned ISO Certification. Some of our mission statements as reflected through different policies are: Our goal is to be the leader of leaders in the housing Industry, providing desired service to landowners and buyers. Through efficient use of skilled manpower and resources, our dedicated workforce is committed to a continuous process of improvement to earn the confidence and satisfaction of our valued customers. ASSURANCE is pledged to the mission of materializing your Dream Home within the shortest possible time, while maintaining the highest architectural aestheticism and the premier standard of construction. ASSURANCE Developments Ltd. is equipped with a team of unique professionals and dynamic experts. Being a sister concern of ASSURANCEMONI Group, a successful conglomerate operating business at home & abroad for the last twenty-seven years, ASSURANCE Developments is committed to serve its valued clients with the utmost devotion and sincerity. The architectural design of the projects of ASSURANCE Developments Ltd. is created by a group of professional Architects and Engineers where you will find state-of-the-art architectural beauty. Besides this, every part of the apartment is designed considering the free movement of sufficient fresh air, light & ventilation facilities for the apartment users. Make your Dream Home your way. ASSURANCE Developments is highly committed for rendering your desired service at your door step. Please call/visit us to know more about us and our services. We are open everyday, working for you to make sure your dream comes true.

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