Arunima Resort Golf Club

Aarunima Resort Golf Club, a resort built in a remote village of Bangladesh. The village is Panipara, situated by the bank of river Modhumoti. Arunima, the village within a village is in a five minutes walking distance from Modhumoti. Within an approximate distance of 125 kms from dhaka the capital, Arunima is the apt place to your vacation retreats to get loose in the nature. Thou we preserve and promote Rural Bangla and its heritages, we do not compel our guests to compromise with their city like dwelling facilities. The addition of golf adds up as fusion between Gram Bangla and International standard sports. Products:- Chalet & cottage, Boat house & Tent , Swimming pool & Jacuzzi, Nature cure centre, Golf Club, Restaurant & Bar Arunima Resort Golf Club ( A Sister Concern of Shabaz Tourism Ltd) Resort Address: Vill- Panipara, P.S.- Naragati, Dist- Narail, Bangladesh Phone: +88 01716431210, +88 01711693788 Hotline: +88 01711422203 Email: arunimaresortgolfclub@gmailcom,

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