Aponghor Catering

Welcome to AponGhor.com online service for ordering Pitha, Sweets, decorated food items for wedding, Gaye Holud, Mehndi, Walima, Reception, family get together, corporate events, Pohela Boishakh and any other occasion in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Order online or call us to place your order and enjoy more time with your loved-one. We also provide cooking courses with certificate. Here at Apon Ghor, we work for customers to give the very best quality and fresh product. We create an event with all the right ingredients for success with the help of our client. We are well known for providing our clients with a variety of new menus and bringing in new cuisine, traditional deshi food and exotic culinary trends to any occasion. We believe with our food we are not only providing you a dish to enjoy but also happiness with our homey touch. From house catering to corporate, Apon Ghor provides quality to their service. We believe in providing the best quality food for your programme. We supply food for programs like -Corporate Program: any kind of office functions -Home Catering: for family get together or any other occasion with family and friends -Wedding Catering: including Gaye Holud, Mehndi, Walima, Reception. Apon Ghor provides wide range of food categories from traditional Bangladeshi food, Pitha, Thai, Chinese to Continental specialities.

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