Apollo Pharmacy

Apollo Hospitals Dhaka offers full service centralized out-patient and in-patient hospital pharmacies. Apollo Pharmacy is geared up to cater to the medication needs of our customers round-the-clock. Services are provided for all in-patients, as well as those patients served by our out-patient service departments and clinics. Apollo Pharmacy is manned by competent and experienced pharmacists. Our pharmacy staffs are trained in counselling patients about the correct method of taking medicines. Generally, people have very little knowledge regarding proper use of medication. This lack of knowledge may become harmful as it may lead to aggravation of disease, more side effects, less compliance, and even increased cost of therapy. Various studies have shown that when patients discuss their therapy related problems and concerns with a drug expert (pharmacist), it resulted in increased compliance and better treatment outcomes. Several studies have shown that patient education programs by pharmacists had a tremendous impact on patient compliance, medication error rate and therapy outcome. It definitely helped in improving patients’ quality of life.

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