Anwer Khan Modern Medical College

The “Anwer Khan Modern Medical College” is recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC) since 2009. Teaching Hospital The College and the attached Hospital in Dhanmondi Campus are accommodated in 6 buildings with 450 bedded hospital capacities. It has an excellent Outpatient Department in addition to Inpatient facilities. The Hospital also has a modern Accident and Emergency Department. The Hospital has a fully air conditioned operation theatre, patient examination and treatment arrangements. Class Rooms There are 5 large fully air conditioned class rooms. In addition, there are departmental tutorial rooms attached with the respective departments. The Anatomy Dissection Hall is fully air conditioned. The laboratories of various departments like Pathology, Biochemistry, etc are well equipped with instruments. Audiovisual Equipment Each class is provided with overhead projector, slide projector and microphone system. In addition, multimedia projectors and computers are also available for teaching. Library The College has a modern fully air conditioned library with Internet facilities. The library has a collection of over 1565 books including expensive latest journals. It subscribes 16 international medical journals on an annual basis. The library has accommodation for seating 100 students and 15 teachers at any given time. The Medical Education Unit (MEU) is attached to the library. MEU has computers for use by students and faculty members. Fax, Internet and E-mail facilities are freely available and are widely used.

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