Amin Mohammad Group Uttara Office

Amin Mohammad Group (AMG) has been in the real estate business for last 20 years history dates back to 1993 when the founder of the group Mr. M. M. Enamul Haque established Amin Mohammad Foundation Limited, a real estate developer company in Dhaka. AMG has now grown to become one of the largest real estate developers in Bangladesh. Amin Mohammad Foundation Limited (AMFL), the flagship company of AMG has now emerged as one of the largest and fastest growing housing developers in Bangladesh. The company has grown with the time and with Bangladesh aiming to improve the living standard of those who have placed their trust on it. Amin Mohammad Lands Development Limited (AMLDL), another prestigious land plot developer for housing with the journey in 2000 now dominates the land development business in the country. AMG combines the real knots of the modern habitation urban structure, social responsibilities and business Excellence. Since inception, the group besides many other works has deeply involved with the following activities: Land development and construction of residential housing as well as commercial buildings at Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Cox's Bazar and other part of the country. Accommodate concerns of housing requirements for the potential buyers inside and in periphery of the major cities of the country. Providing education, health care, rehabilitation of distressed people, job facilities, shelter for the orphans/ vulnerable groups, plantation, religious institutions and many other social needs. Join hands with government and nongovernmental organization in curving poverty and social discriminations. Creates employment opportunities in the country. To keep pace with the modernization in industry and workmanship, the group has stepped out to source and materialize the issues. AMG has a dynamic business vision to exploit new business opportunities and expand business to the industrial and manufacturing sectors. Amin Mohammad Group now looks forward to further grow to become the largest real estate developer and one of the most diversified industrial conglomerates in Bangladesh. Diversification in business and out let the best possible human requirements; the group is harping to undertake the following ventures in near future: Working for establishing LPG plant to fulfill market shortfall. Establishing numbers of industries for construction consumables. Very soon, the battery project will bring best possible batteries in the market. AMG has highly qualified, experienced, dynamic and inspired management team and human resources. It emphasizes on professionalism and other regular management training for its people to convert the workforces into real achievers. Peoples are the main strength of Amin Mohammad Group.

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