Ambrosia Restaurant Ltd.

Ambrosia is committed to promote and protect the interests of the Hospitality Industry by actively seeking better privileges and more... AMBROSIA Is the leading Fine Dine Restaurant In Port City Chittagong Since 2008. Ambrosia restaurant offers full flavored, full-bodied Thai, Chinese, Indian, Indonesian, Continental , Arabian and Bangladeshi dishes with a fine touch of a very special chef with competitive price. It is located in the heart of Chittagong city at the commercial area of Agrabad between ‘Port & Court’, ‘Shore & Hills’. Ambrosia has a very nice and cozy atmosphere decorated with warm color and colonial outlook. We have facilities for arranging all types of programmes for 500-700 people, meeting, and conference and individual lunch/dinner arrangement. Ambrosia is open seven days a weekIn Greek mythology, the best of the men are not men but Gods. And they are not expected to have anything but the finest. Gods’ ambrosia is sometimes the food, sometimes the drink, of the gods, often depicted as conferring ageless immortality upon whoever consumes it. Ambrosia is of such scintillating taste that mare mortals could only dream and wonder. It is something that people desperately tried to find, to create all that makes for a great story but it contains within itself the pursuit of perfection. Food is not just a means of survival but is an experience to be savoured. And ambrosia, as the food of the heavens, is the ultimate benchmark for that experience. We Provide : ## 88 Items Buffet Lunch Service Everyday. ## 7 Cuisine Of Food Menu (Thai, Chinese, Indonesian, Indian, Continental, Arabian & Huge number of Dessert Items. # #Take Away Lunch & Dinner Box. ##All Kinds Of Outside Catering. ## Home Delivery Service. FACILITIES: ## Three Decorative Dining Hall. ## Luxury Room With 16 person Capacity. ## 500 Person Sitting Lunch & Dinner Service ## 700 Person Sitting Lunch & Dinner Buffet Service ## 150 & 60 Person Capacity With Individual Hall For Meeting , Conference And All Kind Of Party With All Facilities. ## Providing Audio & Video Visual Equipment Including TV, Microphone. ## Individual Parking Area With Security. ## KIDs Entertainment.

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