AM Securities & Financial Services Ltd

AM Securities & Financial Services Ltd. is a subsidiary of Abdul Monem Group and a leading equity brokerage house in the country with a diverse clientele of institutions, high net worth individuals, foreign funds and retail investors. Building and managing the capital has become very important and it will be the prime driver behind the motion of our economy. So, to fulfill our dreams of building an economically successful and sustainable nation, AM Group, being the number one construction firm of Bangladesh (Abdul Monem Construction Ltd.) with successful companies like Coca-Cola, Igloo, AmoMilk and Danone, commenced stock broking activities in 1997.Over the time we have become the largest stock broking company in the country having developed a strong team of highly skilled and experienced professionals. Our depth and breadth of experience in the electronic execution business make us successful in delivering our clients with the most effective and top quality services. AMSFSL not only offer flawless clearing and excellent trade execution quality, but have also been a true business partner as we have rapidly grown our business and expanded our offering. The people at AMSFSL are very professional and have been flexible and very accommodating to the customer needs.

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