All Community Club

1978 is the founding year of All Community Club LTD. It started it journey with predominantly the British the concept of a club, one of the good legacies they left behind. The basic idea is that it is the venue of the assembly of like-minded people who have agreed to conform to the high standard that the club has set for itself. Various codes have been strictly adhered to by all. Anyone entering the club has to conform to a dress code. With it also comes the code of conduct. One can go so far as to say that the same individual will behave in a very sedate manner in the standards are not so strict. One has to be really at one’s best in the ACCL. Another feature of the ACCL is the peace and quite that one finds here. You will find groups of three or four sitting around a table with the occupants rarely disturbing the others. This is the true purpose and spirit of the club. To find privacy in company. It is said if you want Hampstead Health go to the ACCL but if you want to Trafalgar Square go to another club. This club promotes tranquility. Over the years all the facilities needed for recreation. And recreation, and exercise have been added to the club. There has been quite marvelous utilization of space. The club facilitates two tennis courts, a badminton court, a squash court and a marvelous health club. The pride of place must go to the covered swimming pool with heating. A lot of planning and effort went behind this to cater for the privacy of our ladies. The process of development continues. Our multipurpose hall has excellent acoustics and it can really be used for all sorts of occasion. It is one of the busiest venues for various occasions and celebrations. Our guest house rooms and suits offers very cheap accommodation for members’ guests visiting Dhaka. It is said anyone staying in the guest house once will almost certainly return. It has five star facilities at no star price with very sophisticated company of the members. ACCL Family lounge which has facilities not only for screening movies but also for staging plays and musical functions. The most comfortable seats have been imported and undoubtedly it is one of the coziest Family lounge of its kind in the country.The farsightedness o four administrators is praise worthy. Over the years the executive committees have always been thinking of the future generation. The executive past and present have been very much engaged with the improvement of the club and give best of the service towards the honorable club members and their families.

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