Al Jesour Resort Ltd ( Office)

AL-JESOUR RESORT LTD is one of the fastest growing resort developer company in Bangladesh. Right now company is being dealing with the major three giant projects in Ashulia, savar and InaniBeach, cox’s bazar widely considered to be the world’s longest beach. At Ashulia we are going to establish a five star standard resort with all kind of modern amusement and recreational facilities, called Al-Jesour resort Vally. And another project is called The Duplex City, where around 50 nos. of row-row and individual duplex going to be built. But the most prestigious and high profile as well as state of art type 5 star standard serviced apartment building and selling is our main objective and challenge, which we already been achieved more than fifty percent. And very much confident will be reached to our ultimate destination within 2015 by the grace of almighty Allah.

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