Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited ATM Booth (Shyamoli)

With the objective of achieving success here & hereafter by pursuing the way directed by Allah and the path shown by His Rasul (SM), Al Arafah Islami Bank Ltd was established (registered) as a private limited company on 18 June 1995. The inaugural ceremony took place on 27 September 1995. The authorized capital of the Bank is Tk.15000.00 million and the paid up capital is Tk. 8343.24 million as on 31.12.2013. Renowned Islamic Scholars and pious businessmen of the country are the sponsors of the Bank. 100% of paid up capital is being owned by indigenous shareholders. The equity of the bank stood at Tk. 14478.06 million as on 31 December 2013, the manpower was 2387 and the number of shareholders was 58466. It has achieved a continuous profit and declared a good dividend over the years. High quality customer service through the integration of modern technology and new products is the tool of the bank to achieve success. The bank has a diverse array of carefully tailored products and services to satisfy customer needs. The Bank is committed to contribute significantly to the national economy. It has made a positive contribution towards the socio economic development of the country with 119 branches of which 23 is AD throughout the country.

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