Ahmed Mashuque & Co

Ahmed Mashuque & Co. is a chartered Accountants partnership firm having three Partners established in 1998 and has a team of over 60 professional and support staff and is one of the top reputed professional firm offering professional accounting,auditing,taxation, vat, secretarial services, consulting and other specialist services in Bangladesh. The firm is led by Mashuque Ahmed FCA who is a managing partner and has a wide range of experiences in all the matters now dealt in . The firm has concentrated on maintaining a high standard of professional competence and services and has as a result attracted many reputed and multinational companies as clients. In addition to audit, tax and vat, consulting and specialist services, the services that the firm offer range from acting advisors in setting up companies to supervising all the related matters and share allocations. The firm’s clientele comprises several prominent local and foreign organizations and its broad client base covers a variety of national and multinational organizations in the sector of industries,non-bank financial Institution, real estate, trading and services,Govt. organization/corporation,NGOs,buying house, Liaison and branch offices. The firm has a continuous in-house training facilities having almost all the references, books, rules and regulations in the related fields. The partners have also a wide range of experiences ,reputation and well connection. AMC help solve the client’s issues by applying best practice solutions across all divisions

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