Adcomm started its long advertising journey on the 4th of July 1974. It was founded by Ms. Geeteara Safiya Choudhury. The growth of the Agency during the last 39 years has been phenomenal and that in itself reflects the confidence and trust clients have in the professional capabilities of the Agency. Adcomm handles a wide variety of products ranging from consumer goods like soap, toothpaste, condoms, contraceptive pills, soft drinks, toiletries to industrial, agricultural and pharmaceutical products, mobile handsets. Service organizations like Telecom, banks, universities and supermarkets are also Adcomm’s clients. Adcomm is also fully equipped to handle publicity, advertising and public relation work for its clients in all media. Adcomm’s work environment is one of the best that one can find throughout the corporate offices in the country. The ambiance, set up and the management is contemporary and friendly with regular and heavy investments in staff welfare, training and in modern technology. ADCOMM group includes: Graphic People, Signage, Studio45, Screaming Girl Productions, NorthBrook Consultants pvt ltd, Nazimgarh Resorts, AktiVision Advertising Ltd, Colours FM 101.6

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