
ACNABIN was formed in February 1985, with a mission to continually add value by helping clients succeed. The firm is in public practice for more than 26 years. The then largest partnership firm was founded with a vision to build an institution which would foster an environment for leadership, continuous growth, learning, and collaborations. Over the past twenty-seven years, the firm has become one of the leading and most reputable chartered accountancy firms in Bangladesh with global affiliations. At present, ACNABIN has ten partners whose expertise in audit, accounting, review, business consulting, business process outsourcing, technology solutions and taxation has established the firm as a multidisciplinary organization. All the partners have many years of experience of working both at home and abroad and with international consultants and organizations operating locally and globally. ACNABIN is regarded as one of the top firms of chartered accountants in the country context and has significant exposure in the relative market. Products 1. Audit & Assurance 2. Tax & legal advice 3. Advisory Services 4. Consultancy 5. Outsourcing 6. Others

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