Aapon Ghar

APONGHAR CATERING, will work with you to create an event with all the right ingredients for success.It is well known for providing its clients with a variety of new menus and bringing in new cuisine and exotic culinary trends. This has helped up blossom into the limelight and gain international acceptance, from being a local provider. In short, APONGHAR CATERING has brought more smiles to the table, as the unseen ingredient, than food it serves. We are proud to introduce ourselves. Our experience is able to assist you, coordinate, locate and cater for your special day. Our local knowledge of sites, beaches, weather patterns and service providers will put you at ease so you can focus on having a fantastic time. APONGHAR CATERING established in 1987. We deliver food for wedding ceremony, Gaaye holud, Birthday party, Corporate meeting etc We are doing catering for the following auspicious functions. • WEDDING • BIRTHDAYS • CULTURAL FESTIVALS AND PROGRAMMES • CORPORATE SEMINARS • CONFERENCES AND PROGRAMMES And we are having separate specalised cooks for each and individual menu items. It is one of our strength and also we are not compromising on quality and service. . We have been catering at Straddie since June 1994. During that time we have catered to over 120 weddings, 600 birthdays and served tens of thousands of meals.

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