Robin Printing & Packages Ltd

Our initial plant investment at Tongi, Gazipur started off by focusing on Letterpress and with time shifting to Offset Lithography and eventually to Gravure technology to ensure quality and offer true operational flexibility. A combination with the latest computer technology for pre-press and in-house finishing, the result is a source with proven ability to undertake wide range of projects. The main products of our company include printing & packaging materials of various brands for a Multinational Tobacco Company, British American Tobacco Bangladesh (BATB) along with other Multinational Companies, Local Banks, International Agencies and big Corporate Houses. Due to increased capacity and customer requirement of a contingency plan, Robin has invested in setting up its second unit at Joydevpur, Gazipur to ensure a full secured supply even in the event of any catastrophic event (if any). The benefits of having two units enabled us to have one Roto-Gravure Machine and Offset capability at each unit thus deploying proper adequate resources to ensure absolute capability to supply risk free materials to our valued customers. Demand growth for tobacco packaging has increased significantly over past few years and Robin added a brand new line consisting of 11 colours from DCM ATN, France in 2014. The machine is only the second one in Bangladesh with ELS (Electronic Line Shaft) technology, the first being Rotomec introduced by Robin in 2012. Capacity for tobacco packaging has increased to 80 billion cigarette sticks per year with gravure technology. Robin has been a major player in Paper and Paper Board printing. Due to increasing demand for printing of Flexible materials such as for the food and cosmetic industry, Robin set up its third unit to cater for such needs in 2012. The latest project consists of the state-of-the-art machineries with the printing unit manufactured by Bobst Rotomec Italia, which also happens to be the first of its kind in Bangladesh with the Electronic Line Shaft technology.

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