Dhaka Eye Care Hospital

Dhaka Eye Care Hospital is a renowned full service private eye care hospital based in Uttara, Dhaka, offering the best services in your eye health needs, from comprehensive eye Exams to eye surgeries. Our skilled ophthalmologists and staff strive to provide you with the highest quality of eye care in a professional and friendly environment. We combine todays modern technology with personalized attention directed specifically to the eye care needs of our patients. Our Advanced Cataract, Retina, Glaucoma, Cornea and Pediatric Ophthalmology Clinics are equipped with the most sophisticated diagnostic & surgical technology. We have emergency services where patients with serious eye problem can get emergency support. Our team will offer you the highest level of comfort & after care that your Eyes deserve. We offer one stop service to our valued customers. Our Optovison (Optical Center) service has an extensive selection of frames, sunglasses and contact lenses. We also have In-house Pharmacy service where patients can get ophthalmic medicines instantly as prescribed by the doctors. Our mission is to give the highest level of vision care to our patients. We always try to answer any questions you might have regarding your eye health, eye surgery or eye wear needs. For any query or to set up an appointment call 88-02-7914409, 88-02-7913975, 88-01716845974, 88-01716845917 so that we can show you how much professional we are.

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