Canadian International School

Welcome to our website for the Canadian International School in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We are one of the prime comprehensive, co-educational, English medium school in Bangladesh offering a Canadian curriculum. We are a comprehensive, co-educational English medium schools. At the Canadian International School, we are dedicated to providing a quality Canadian education program and services in order to help our students attain their full potential academically, socially and physically, as well as provide them with the knowledge and skills required for them to be valued and contributing members of our society. Our elementary program uses Ontario, Canada curriculum, teaching strategies, textbooks and classroom resources. Our high school program is partnered with the Province of Manitoba, Canada and the teachers are certified and experienced. Canadian teachers use Canadian methodologies, teaching strategies, textbooks and classroom resources. Our principal, Mr. Jeffery Pugh, is a highly accomplished and regarded Canadian Principal with experience at all levels: elementary, middle years and high school. Manitoba and Ontario curriculum are very compatible and highly regarded in global education.

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