Dhaka Holidays

A land of unspoiled nature, rich cultural heritage and exotic beauty, Bangladesh is considered as one of the most potential country for eco-tourism among the South Asian countries. The unique composition of biological phenomenon with varied flora and fauna of this area has perhaps no match elsewhere in the world. We can proudly mention that Bangladesh is blessed with the three world’s splendid and enchanting eco-tourism spots of diverse nature – The Sundarbans, largest mangrove forest of the world having with rich bio-diversity and wide range of wildlife habitat including the world famous Royal Bengal Tiger and being the heritage site constitute the best spot for eco-tourism. The second important sector is the rich tribal life of Chittagong hill tracts where over than 13 indigenous groups forming a luminous cultural landscape on the hilly topography, the ancient ruins of Mohasthangarh, Paharpur, Moinamati, Salban Bihar, the folkart tradition of Sonargoan of 300 BC are the most important tourist attractions. Third sector is the most enchanting dreamland of eco-tourists, Sylhet which is popularly known as the land of two leaves and a bud, occupying a vast territory lying between the Khasia and Jointia hills on the north, and the Tripura hills of India on the south. The world’s largest tea gardens on the panoramic hill slopes of Sreemangol and the most fascinated tribal people like Monipure, Tripura, Khasia and Garo with their primitive life style and cultural excellence have made the real break through in the world of Eco-Tourism.

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