Le Reve (Narayangonj)

Le Reve has come up with a wide range of products for those fashion conscious and stylish people who are young at heart and cherish our traditions and heritage. REVE Text Ltd , one of the members of REVE Family; has established its first chain shop in 2009 under the brand name, Le Reve. In our 21st century, fashion changes as quickly as lightning speed because of mass production and fast moving society . Le Reve helps to reflect a person’s inner personality and social class. This brand refers to the newest creations of textile designers. Women and men's fashion, especially in the dressing is becoming equally complex and changing and Le Reve is able to use fashion in dating images with increasing confidence and precision. Here you can get a wide number of choices to reflect your personality or interests. Currently it has six shops in major places of Bangladesh. Le Reve wants to position itself in the market as a brand with the best possible designs to reflect the tradition, globalization, and modern outlook.

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