Brownie Hut

Brownie Hut is a home based online dessert shop with a pick up location at Dhanmondi 7a opposite to KFC(Dhanmondi). Inbox the page or call us at 01798597497 for your orders. Minimum order of Tk100 is mandatory!! You may preorder or collect your desired items from us anytime. Preorder confirms all the items However during spot purchase, it depends on the availability of our existing stock! We also provide delivery service to Bashundhara, Baridhara, Banani, Gulshan, Uttara, Mohakhali DOHS, Baridhara DOHS, Mirpur DOHS. Delivery charge of Tk50 will be added to your total bill. Minimum order for delivery must be Tk 300. We do not provide delivery below Tk 300. The students of North South University and IUB can collect their parcel from me at NSU gate-8. (no delivery charge for NSU or IUB students, Minimum order is Tk100). To avail the delivery service you will need to order one day prior to ur expected time of delivery. It is better to call us if we do not respond to our facebook message within 10 minutes. Chocolate Fudge Brownie 50bdt Oreo Brownies 60bdt Cheesecake Brownie 100bdt Nutella Topped Brownie 70bdt Nutella Topped Oreo Brownies 80bdt Nutella Topped Cheesecake Brownie 120bdt Brownie with KitKat 120bdt Peanut Butter Brownies 90bdt Brownie Icecream 100bdt Assorted Brownie Box 500bdt Chocolate Heaven 1200bdt per lb BH Special Cake 2000bdt per lb Hotline: +88 01798597497

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