Shoeb’s One School of Driving (Dhanmondi Branch)

Welcome to Shoeb’s One School of Driving, the best driving school at Dhaka, Bangladesh. –‘Safety is Our Priority’. Since 1987 our founder Mr. Shoeb Rahman BAPI, worked so hard and dedicate his life towards training people. We trained almost 50,000 satisfied students so far. We provide a vast amount of theoretical and practical knowledge, ideas through training about automobile. Shoeb’s One School of Driving will also help you passing the local driving license test through all legal procedures and formalities at BRTA, Dhaka. We also assist our students to achieve international driving permit for foreign going people from International Automobile Association. Shoeb’s One School of Driving is the only driving school which has the most knowledge and technology with current method of training about safety. Our defensive driving method will provide the highest standard of informative driving instructions to our students. We are committed to mold better, safer and law abiding drivers. We give emphasis on the importance of driver safety in order to make our roads and highways safer for all road users. Our expert instructors are meticulously screened and intensively trained to be able to provide excellent and informative instructions. They are all caring, polite, educated people with good moral characters and pleasant attitudes. Browse through our list of services which are designed to fit your needs and get you through this experience with the least expense possible. Our representatives are available to answer your inquiries anytime, day or night. You may contact us at 01715996006 We are looking forward in sharing our best with you. Thank you for your trust in our school.

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