
How to Place an Order from CakeSake 1. Go through our album from 'Photos' section, Choose your preferable item and Message us on Page's INBOX anytime. 2. Please mention the following with your order- i. Your Name and Contact Details ii. Product name/link iii. Quantity/Servings iv. Desired date, time and pick up point to get your order delivered at ( our pick up point is Baily road. You can also choose your pick up point for that you have to pay extra, depends on the location) v. You have to Place your order at least 7 days ahead to pickup and 10/12 days ahead in case of customized orders. vi. We also take next day delivery request (depends on product's availability and customization). 3. Payment Procedure i. You have to BKASH 30% of the whole amount in advance to secure your order. Rest amount has to be paid in cash on delivery. ii. The advance payment has to be made within 5 days of placing the order or your order will be cancelled automatically. In case of larger order (order over 10,000 BDT) at least 50% advance payment is required . *note: advance payment is non-refundable CakeSake is an online cake shop.

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