Development Design Consultant Ltd.

DDC offers a full range of services from project conception to completion including project preparatory technical assistance, project identification, techno-economic feasibility study, field surveys/investigations, environmental & social impact assessment, planning, detailed design, documentation, project management & monitoring, implementation supervision/assistance, procurement assistance, operation & maintenance service, institutional & organizational strengthening, post implementation evaluation etc. DDC maintains a roll of highly experienced professionals and skilled Technical personal (around 600 nos.) specialized in diverse disciplines and can offer the best team for almost any project related to engineering, ICT, social infrastructure etc. Besides this, to meet any special requirement of a project, DDC can pool up the best of experts in the field from home or abroad. DDC is adequately equipped with required logistics of transports, latest survey & investigation equipment, testing equipment, laboratory, server & personal computers, licensed software etc. It has successfully completed a large number of projects in different sectors of development including many projects financed by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, International Development Association, Japan International Cooperation Agency, DFID and other international organizations.

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