RFL Best Buy (Khailgon)

Best Buy is another sister concern of RFL group. It is the retail chain of RFL, where all the products of RFL are available.It started its journey back in October, 2011. Offering fine goods to the final customer through retail shop with a strong chain of supply is the main objective of this brand. The main slogan of Best Buy is to offer best service with innovative design and unique product range. Ensuring proper delivery to the customer and make them available in the door step are strong aptitudes of this brand. With a number of 2000 product lines, it is showing its excellence all over the country. It’s rapid growth towards target to achieve maximum number of revenue per month. After reaching to a certain trust level of the customers, Best Buy is spreading its wing across the national boundary and stepping into international market with robust brand presence. Very soon it aspires to become biggest retail chain and compete as one of the fastest growing concerns internationally.

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