Amin Jewellers (New Market)

It is leader of Bangladesh gold industry from last fifty years. Amin Jewellers LTD is one of the modern and famous jewellers in Bangladesh of current era. It is leader of Bangladesh gold industry from last fifty years. It was started at Baitul Mokarram market in 1966 with just a single show room. By the time now these days it has five very modern show rooms running successfully with continuous achievement. From long 44 years it has been serving really modern and best quality jewellery to its customer with reputation and heritage. Amin jewellers been producing jewellery products keeping in mind the buyers choice with the time changes. Now this days fame of Amin Jewellers been crossed from our country to abroad countries. The jewellery of Amin Jewellers are now key attractions for many elite families of the world. They are producing jewellery by really skilled, experienced, crafty crew members keeping the real quality of gold. The continuous practice of creativity of the Amin Jewellers crews giving the customers the taste of new innovations. So that the Amin Jeweller's clients have a different attractions. For whose hard work, continuous effort, extreme integrity and leadership quality make Amin Jewellers the leader of the Jewellery Industry not only of the nation but also internationally. Products- Brestlet, Necklaces, Ring, Earring, Locket, Chain, Sagorica, Wristlet, Solid Churi, Churi, Ratan chur, Tickly, Jhapta, Noth, Crown, Mantasa, Tana, Buttom, Baby Bengel, Cuflin, Tye-pin, Necklace +Earring, Bala

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