Alanker Niketan (Gulshan)

very jewelry house gets the success blending the love and emotion of life. Alankar Niketan always expresses the best of that emotion and love. We create the classic and contemporary designs blending the deepest pleasure of woman’s heart by the best designers and researchers. These ornaments always make the women looks more beautiful, classic and more confident. Alankar Niketan starts its journey since 1966 and with its purity has won the trust of every customer it served in Dhaka and all over the country. Now our Chairman Mamtaz Begum and Manager M. A. Hannan serve the market with new designs jewelry in a price of best & handy in compare. We have a huge variety of the current fashion trends and designs for all occasions and ages. Customer’s choice always gets the top priority here in our house and offers the best design to all the customers. Our designs match every segment of jewelry buyers: young and old, classic and contemporary. We have lots of design to suit best with your taste & trend. Most contemporary designs are collected continually through worldwide searching, and made them suitable for our country and culture. New designs are always coming out from our house. So our customer is ensured always to buy the best & trendy. Now we serve from our four showrooms (Bashundhara, New Market, pink city & Jamuna Future Park) in Dhaka. More than thousands designs of gold and diamond jewelry are available here.

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