Eastern IT

It is our great pleasure to introduce you Eastern IT as a promising IT firm. Eastern IT has started its operation in January 2005, with a vision to provide quality products with quality service. For this we have a group of excellent hardworking, sincere and experienced people to reach our goal. Within a very short time we have reached to a large number of potential corporate clients to whom we have provided various types of IT and related products. After sale service is an important issue now a days, most of the companies just sale their products but not aware of after sales services, as a result their valuable clients suffer a lot but our main motto is to build a long lasting relationship with all our clients by providing quality services with the products. To build a long range business line we have extended our product list such as security and surveillance products, high end networking products with solutions, barcode solution etc. and still are looking for any new opportunity because we believe doing business successfully is a continuous process of expanding the business network.

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