
A, C, B, E, K... you name the vitamin, Carrot provides it to you. At Carrot, we service brands, and we believe that each brand has its own story. With Vitamin B Keratin as a fringe benefit we offer, Carrot Communication does not only let you build a strong brand that is a must for today's competitive market, but also helps improve your Brand Vision, thus helping you create a brand story that is told through generations! What started back in 2006 as a small in house agency of Market Access Group is today acclaimed as one of the forerunners in the Advertising scenario in Bangladesh. From Telecommunication to Food and Beverage, Baby Products to Social Services, Carrot Communication Ltd has established a position as a complete creative solution provider for a wide range of clients. This we achieved in such a short time because we live in dog years and work with dogged determination.

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