Baker's Delight

With a pure passion for sweets & freshly baked desserts, so many friends and family members encouraged me to take my hobby of baking to a new level & building my own business of baking comes into reality. For almost 1 year, “Baker’s Delight” has provided patrons with a range of my famous handmade baked goods, including * Beautiful and Delicious Decorated Party Cakes Delicate * Cookies Customize cupcakes Top Quality Sweet Rolls, * Pies, Cheese Cakes and * Coffee Cakes Homemade Custard and Fudge Icing/Filling Will only bake, using the best ingredients that my family and I would like to eat. I believe in the quote "Good cake isn't cheap, and cheap cake isn't good". Thanks so much for stopping by! I would love to hear from you, so if you have any questions or comments or order, please feel free to leave them in Contact Form !!! Or you can email me at

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