Cooper's Bakery (Dhanmondi Branch)

With great passion for food, Douglas J.A. Cooper (a retired army officer of the British Army in WWII and an expatriate) and Sufia Cooper (the favorite home chef known to us in our opinion) both started operating a small family bakery called “SORRENTO” in 1984. To make it even more personal they changed the name of the bakery to “Cooper’s” in 1986. Since then Cooper’s has become a household name and a well reputed brand for Bakery and Confectionary products. In 1990, the founders of Cooper’s expanded into a 4000 square feet factory on Old Airport Road, Dhaka with 3 outlets. In 2002, the company expanded further with new management and new culture of the second generation. John Cooper, the eldest son, took over as CEO and expanded to 5 outlets. With his vision and determination, John lead the company to acquire one of it’s greatest achievements---a dual certification of ISO 9001-2000 and HACCP in 2004. Food safety and hygiene became the single most important aspect of the Cooper’s operation. From raw materials to final products, hygiene is never compromised. With John’s younger brother, Simon Cooper joining his team in 2005 as the CFO, the two brothers, with incredible passion for the food business, has expanded cooper’s to six outlets and a 30,000 square feet factory in Ashulia, Savar. The factory was built with high level HACCP specifications and well equipped state-of- the-art technology. Cooper’s now has 160 dedicated and skilled members who make sure that every single product made in Cooper’s is made with a lot of pride. Currently, cooper's has 13 outlets in Dhaka and a Franchise outlet in Chitttagong and has over 200 staff members.

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