TOP TEN-Fabrics & Tailors Ltd.(Chittagong)

TopTen Fabrics and Tailors was incorporated in 1992 and within a span of a few years, transformed from being an Bangladeshi Fabrics and Tailors sector. The first starting when the time was 1988. A small width shop is a last initial investment then growing up time is very effectively; here it was unbroken industries and punctuality of the manner and rules. Today, the TopTen is vertically and horizontally integrated to provide customers total men Fabrics solutions. We are supplying for the world the finest fabrics – from cotton, wool to wool-blended worsted suiting to specialty as well as high value shirting, panting. After selling fabrics we survive to making shirting, panting, suiting, coats, all kinds of men wears fabrics. We also have some of the most highly respected fabric and tailoring services. The TopTen also has an expansive retail presence established through the exclusive chain of 'TopTen Fabrics and Tailors Ltd Outlet. We are today one of the largest players in fabrics, designer wear in the countries markets. All our Fabrics are BSTI certified and standardization by textile authority of Bangladesh standardization Testing Institute.

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